The season we can see the
Rigel in the Orion has come. I think to test Telescope by Rigel is the Best especially to all Refractors . Mainly there are 2 inportant reasons.
1, Rigel is bright star and color is pale ; this is effective for testing
all refractors ( * chromatic aberration )
2, Rigel is the double star which consists of 2 stars (ƒ¿Gzero magnitude,
ƒÀGseventh class star ) , separation distance 9~10'
( Rigel's separation distance is 9~10' ,but main star is too bright.
I think if I use Rigel for testing, I can know it's contrast and sharpness.
I could enjoy Rigel as double star using both FC-125 and TOA 130NS in the
same way..
By FC-125 ,I could see Rigel as double star clearly. Very interesting and
beautiful .
FC-125 is the great classic scope which was made more than 30 years ago

< When I test this, I used Televue Radian 4mm ----> FC-125; 200X
The performance of 2 classic and new were almost same!!
* Star imaging ( in focusing, out of focusing and just Focus of 2 Telescope)
at Rigel
At 2 scopes, Completely and perfectly round . ( in focusing , out of focusing
) .
Also, the just Focus image is very sharp with Diffraction ring and airy
disc . Used eyepiece were Televue Radian 4mm and Takahashi Classic Or7mm
2 Telescopes have very excellent optics , only, when I watched by FC-125,
I felt a little chromatic aberration( blue) ,but not unpleasant. Personally,
the performance of FC-125 is enough great.

In evening of the next day, fortunately I could meet fine weather again
( 2 hours )!!
09/Oct in 2018 !
At the next night, I tested FC-125 ( only, not with TOA130 ) with Takahashi
I think that Takahashi Vari-Extender is very good for FC-series . When
I use Vari-Extender to all FC-series,
always I feel nice image. So for Takahashi FC-Telescopes , by all means
recommend to use Vari-Extender.
At the next night, I watched Saturn by FC-125. When I watched Saturn, FC-125
gave me very fantastic viewing. Saturn is dark, so I felt the image is
far better than 100mm class refractor
clearly. Of course, the pattern of Saturn's main body was seen by FC-125. Very sharp.
I feel it always that ( when I watch something , using Vari-Extender will
be more sharp and clear. About this, Vari-Extender was designed for FC-series
exclusive. So it will be natural.
Now,to get Vari-Extender in excellent condition is a little difficult,but
when everyone will use Takahashi FC Telescopes , Vari-Extender will be
needed by all means.
FC-125 Introduction
This time, after the first time of four years, again I thought FC-125 is
great Telescope. FC-125 has a very big Focuser and the Presence is great.
About it's weight, 9.9kg. ( without 11X70 finder) . TOA130's weight is
12.0kg. The difference between FC-125 and TOA 130 is only 2.0kg.
However, it's 2.0kg is very big. In this time, to test FC-125, I used EM-200.
FC-125 is enough from using EM-200 class mount..
This is true... For TOA 130, it will be hoped to use NJP class.
FC-125's weight is under 10kg. I think this is very useful for everyone.
11X70 finder is very nice Finder. this finder is old, so impossible to
use illumination system, but far better than 7X50 finder.
FC-125 will surprise everyone from it's optics performance and it's usability.
FC-125 is not the Telescope which everyone can get easily,but
when everyone get any chance, by all means I recommend especially for Planet
and double star.
Date; 10/Oct in 2018 koji matsumoto/Japan